Executive Coaching is a formally defined, confidential, professional relationships focused on developing awareness, clearly defining goals, and taking concrete action to achieve your goals and/or your vision.
The science shows that Coaching is associated with increased performance, increased innovation, increased salary, and improved outcomes on a number of other measures.
Coaching provides you with structure, support, and genuine unbiased feedback.
A Coach serves as your confidential thought partner and trusted leadership advisor.
Developmental Focus:
Individually: Enhancing emotional intelligence, increasing skill and knowledge required in a complex and rapidly changing environment, achieving work-life integration to enhance a success and your overall well-being.
Leadership/Working with Others: Developing management and leadership skills, enabling the success of subordinate leaders, developing the capacity to model ideal feedback and relationship behaviors, increasing capacity to refine strategies and involve the entire team in the change process.
Organizationally: Building cohesive teams, addressing detailers, developing proactive, future-oriented approaches, increasing capacity to refine strategies and involve the entire team in the change process.
Problem-Resolution Focus:
Individually: Preventing leader derailment, achieving optimal alignment regarding culture, responsibility, and operating styles, reducing stress and other emotional factors that may be interfering with performance.
Leadership/Working with Others: Retaining talent and reducing turnover caused by a perceived lack of leadership, reducing conflict that interferes with collaboration, closing the gap in leaderships skills currently required and what leader know how to do.
Organizationally: Removing obstacles such as resistance, that interfere with the implementation of key initiatives and goals, moving beyond fears related to issues negatively impacting the work environment, eliminating obstacles that inhibit successful transitions for leaders who are assuming new roles.
Executive Coaching has been used extensible among senior executives and management across a wide-range of Fortune 500 companies and throughout the civilian sector
These studies have consistently demonstrated significant benefits associated with Coaching:
Increased productivity (~50% increase)
Increased customer service (~50% increase)
Increased retention (~30% increase)
Increased bottom-line profits (~20% increase)
Research also shows that Coaching is associated with an increased sense of well-being and overall happiness, increased ability to cope with and manage stress, improved work-related attitudes and increased personal accountability and ability to self-regulate (Burt et al., 2017).